
In 1986, two different programs were opened under the name of 'Aircraft Electricity' and 'Aircraft Electronics' in order to train qualified maintenance personnel in accordance with international standards for the Turkish Aviation Sector within the Civil Aviation Vocational School. With the opening of four-year undergraduate programs in 1992, the name of the school was changed to "Civil Aviation College" and within this scope, it continued to provide education as the 'Aircraft Equipment Maintenance' and 'Ground Equipment Maintenance' Departments.

In 1996, in line with the needs of the aviation industry, the two Departments were combined under the name of 'Aviation Electrics and Electronics'. In 2012, the School was restructured according to international higher education standards and the requirements of the global aviation industry, and was named "Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences". Department of Avionics continues to provide undergraduate education (1+4 years), one year of which is an optional English Preparatory Program within the Faculty.